Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Friday May 16th - Wet, Wet, Wet

As Jackie and I packed the R1 the rain picked up again. This was the first test of my FrogTogs rain gear. These new wet weather clothing are like paper and weigh nothing yet are wind and water proof. Designed for outdoors people in general, I think they could do wonders if they do a range focused on biking per se. We left Westport for the New Haven offices of Hole in the Wall Gang. Richard had a regatta on that weekend and was very busy. He was hoping to win the race! Richard, we can't thank you enough for your fantastic support and assistance.
We got lost thanks to flamin' Google maps who told us to exit at 48 off the I91N when in fact it is right at Exit 46 off of I95N just BEFORE they split! The positive side was seeing some of the lovely streets of New Haven which is quite Old Haven. So, wet and frustrated, we arrive a tad late at 555 Long Wharf Drive and the HQ of Hole in the Wall Gang. We were meeting Ray Shedd and Linda Rapp (who set me up from the beginning when I was still planning back in England). Linda took the time to come in with her tiny new baby girl Shelby just to meet me and Jax. A welcome coffee, directions to the Ashford CT camp, a motel 3 minutes away booked and off we went with plans to meet Ray 70 miles north up I91 at Ashford. We met James Canton the Executive Director and Kevin the CFO and others that my British Beef addled brain can't remember.
We left the motel in East Haven in light drizzle. After 34 miles of freezing, lashing, visor-fogging rain I decided to abandon the visit when an overhead sign declared that our exit (only our exit of course) was "experiencing" huge delays. How do these poor exits survive all their "experiences"? I pulled in to a Wendys burger place that advertises "original" burgers. Original as in "novel" would explain square burgers but the intended misconception of original as in "traditional" does not wash. Why do they use that awful tin-foil wrap for fast-food burgers? It makes the heat-lamp warm trash all soggy and limp. dealing with the shock of a burger the size of a postage stamp is enough aggro when you are frozen and wet. Soggy one does not need. No more Wendys for me mate. I will stare in wonder at their next TV ad. The wonder will be how they don't get sued for malicious misinformation.
We arrived very wet and very cold in East Haven and decided to rest up as I had now come down with a sore throat and cold. I was well and truly knackered. How Jax managed after an operation is beyond me. Tough little cookie.

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