Thursday, May 8, 2008

Monday to WednesdaySage

Tuesday morning I visited Sage. We had hoped that a newspaper interview was planned but for some reason that didn't transpire. La Toya at reception made me an excellent coffee and Jay Wendland played enthusiastic host and brought out many staff to snap pics of the bike. I worked the rest of the day at the motel and returned Wednesday to say hello to our account manager Jim O'Byrne and take pictures. Then I hit the road to visit the second of the children's camps. I wanted to visit a customer of ours with an office in Charlotte NC but when I arrived I discovered they had moved. No biggy, it was only 5 miles and I needed petrol anyway. Because I had to cover 300 miles I rode the I85 all the way. As I stopped for petrol off exit 113 a chap in a pickup spoke to me. I asked directions to the Victory Junction camp and he was on the board of the camp! It was a good thing I asked him because that camp was hard to find and I was going to go in the opposite direction! As I rode to a motel I spotted this little cabin in a nice setting.
One thing that is confirmed is my conspiracy theory. All you UFO believers check this out. Every time I ride anywhere they rush ahead of me to dig up and change the roads, cancel exits and on ramps and change the road names and numbers. It's true. Someone in Washington in the DOT is determined to stop me. So tomorrow I'll get to Washington to sort them out. George Dubya is going to rush a law through that allows R1 owners to ride as fast as they like throughout the USA.

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