Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Sunny Saturday sees the camp!

I slept very late. Eventually we called Ray who had stayed overnight at the camp and confirmed we would try again. What a great day out. The sun was shining, the road was fast and the I91, I84, Hwy74 and Hwy44 were beautiful with spring trees turning from red to green. At the camp, the employees were throwing a birthday party for Kevin. He entertained them with his BeaverMan costume. It seems beavers can be a problem if you have a rather large tree house that the kids enjoy. Moving the furry tree-munchers to other locations is a bit of a lark to say the least. We were treated to a tour by Ray, ate burgers cooked by Tad the ex-NY cop, snapped photos and witnessed the joy that these kind-hearted people share with the kids. Needless to say, the facilities and arrangements to care for the kids is awesome. During the tour I saw 3 lads playing what looked like a cross between Lacrosse and field hockey. An American girl asked what it was. "Hurling" I said "from Ireland". And sure enough the 3 lads were from Ireland! Padraig, Mark and Paul heard I was English(ish) and attempted to kill me on the spot (for the protection of the children of course). I can't wait to do the UK/Ireland tour and visit the camp just west of Dublin. I'll get a proper beating there you wimpy Irish lads!
We headed back to our East Haven hideaway. The staff at that Quality Inn motel were so cheerful and helpful it was embarrassing. En route I suspected that Jax was flagging a little so I pulled off the motorway (sorry...Interstate) at Wethersfield. What a pleasant surprise. History before your eyes (although I suspect that no self-respecting Brit would paint a house these colours!). We had a drink at the local Tavern, took pics and headed back.

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