Monday, May 5, 2008

Sebring to THE CAMP and on to Daytona

I was a modern miracle of memory as I rode flawlessly from Sebring (I saw more Chrysler Sebring convertibles on this road than in the whole USA!) to Camp Boggy Creek through some dying outskirts of Orlando. What else can you do but build artificial amusement parks to taint childrens already ketchup-soaked brains? This whole area should have remained a wildlife preserve from the days of Ponce de Leon. Sorry America. It sucks.
As I approach the area with the most awful, depressing, medically scary name (Boggy Creek reeks of malaria and dysentary) it opens out into spotless lawns, lovely homes, clean everything, friendly people, sunny smooth roads. Only in America! And only in America do people ALWAYS have a MOUNT something-or-other where the highest mound is about 2 metres. Mount Dora. Hello! I never had to touch my throttle. Pancake Dora would be better...
I reach the first of the Hole in the Wall Gang affiliated camps after 4,035.9 miles. I learn that Nascar guy Richard (?) Petty and a big Harley Davidson dealer in Daytona, amongst other notables, contributed an astounding $23 millions to get this camp going. I feel so puny.
I meet Gerry at the gates and Sharon soon scuttles down in a golf cart. I ask her not to pop any wheelies as they scare me. The tour is impressive, sobering, hopeful and mildly depressing.

IMPRESSIVE: The facilities are AMAZING. We are talking a hidden kidney dialysis machine behind a bed-head so the child can join in the evening chat undetected. Better than flippin' hospitals I can tell you! Clean like no hospital. Spacious and invigorating. Sunshine and logs are pure joy.

SOBERING: When you see the medical facilities available it reminds you that these little tots are fighting for life. WOW! More power to them!

HOPEFUL: If wishes alone cured disease I just fixed the world. Kids are resiliant and meeting like-minded fighters is good for them I am sure. Go kids go!

DEPRESSING: I was depressed to think that children face these illnesses. I was cheered up after seeing the wonderful cranes walking about!
The volunteers painting the picnic tables took a lunch break. I photographed them out of total respect. They don't have to do this you know.
On to Daytona. The Daytona Nascar races are huge so I stopped at the stands. Then on to the beach where some good-natured, but quite shy, kids took my photo. English twit in full regalia on a sweltering beach in Florida. Mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun...(sing it)
I grab a cold drink and the DJ asks for the website and blog. I fall victim to another begging bloke. A builder says his boss was DUI'd after they celebrated the job and got REALLY drunk. He needs $12 for a train home. I'm such a flippin' sucker! Hope you make it Ray.
Leaving Daytona I spot a Cycle Gear shop and call to say hello. They are soooooo friendly and as my chain needs adjustment they recommend a huge dealer right near to the Daytona Speedway. The workshop guys are laughing and joking with me and my R1 having undergone chain surgery we are ready to ride on. I spot a wierd taste in matt black Kawasaki as I leave...
I am about to quit and find a motel as my agenda says Daytona STOP but I ride on until I cross the Georgia border. I have to stop in the State founded by some bloke from my hometown of Haslemere, Surrey. Obviously trained in Latin and a fan of King George! Our Town Hall is in the middle of the road in honour of him.

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