Friday, April 25, 2008

Floribama party.

Well, sort of a party. Maybe when the fish flinging gets underway tomorrow it will be "big".
In Europe 23 Harleys, 50 SUVs and 2 country bands don't count as big. I rode 50 miles return to see this "big" event and paid $20 to have the lovely barmaid show me around and explain things. Uh... no barmaid, no need to "show me around" the 3 bars, and rock music was banned as too aggressive. I heard 2 good blues/rock tunes from a bunch of over 50 guys with very long white beards...
Still, I met some fun American guys and gals that asked for info on the charity for kids (I believe Americans want to be family oriented even if they do corner the market on disfunctional family life). Most insisted on their English heritage. I met a Mr. Burgess with a stunning blond wife of German decent, who insisted I tell all you Brits that no matter WHAT HAPPENS the Louisiana boys will stand by us. You know what? I believe him. He says he is directly desended from Geo. Read who signed the Declaration of Independance. Now that is some history. They were the perfect movie-star couple and typical of the open friendliness I recieved here in southern USA. Of course I cannot get enough of that southern accent so I had to nurse just ONE SMALL tin of Bud Lite (barf) for several hours to meet red-necks, hippies, history freaks, drunks, Harley riders and white supremacists that would only vote for Obama. Go figure. I rode home carefully and bought a drink at some wayside stop. The husband, wife and 82 year-old mother were delightfully friendly and thanked me for my business. All $3.85 0f it. Now why can't we all be so nice?

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