Thursday, June 19, 2008

The Bearded Lady, the Dwarf and the Lizard man all went out for a drink…

Blog and Photos by Garrett Fulton
Ever wonder what happens when the traveling Circus packs it up for the night? You have to believe that the cast all gets together and goes out for dinner and drinks. It must be a complicated affair. The bearded lady can't eat the soup, the dwarf has to get a booster chair, and the lizard man with webbed hands can't pick up the silverware.
It was a bit like that driving along the I-90 today. None of the vehicles were compatible. R.V.s , semis, cars, lumber trucks, vans and our motorcycles all trying to get along on the same road, each with different speeds, different needs and different problems. Traffic didn’t flow and hum in harmony as we had experienced in the past, rather it it had all the awkwardness of Frankenstein doing ballet.
James just finally hit the throttle to zip away from this traveling circus gone wrong and I half expected rabid foam and saliva from his trafffic induced anger to hit my visor as I followed along.
Traffic does go along at an incredible speed here in Montana where people think nothing of doing 85 or 95 mph on a highway with a speed limit of 75mph. But then again, it does make sense.
They have such BIG distances to travel, so they might as well get on with it.They get in their BIG cars, get out on to the BIG highway, drive to their BIG homes, give their BIG wives a BIG kiss, sit down at a BIG table, eat a BIG meal, watch the news on their BIG televisions, crawl into their BIG beds and have BIG dreams of making BIG money.
Yes everything about the place was BIG,…the trees, the mountains, the stretches of road, the ranches . I didn’t take any pictures. Trying to capture such scenery on a photo is like trying to capture God with a T-shirt slogan. It can't be done,…so why try.
I decided to go the other direction and get a couple of photos of something really small. The pet ferrets of the managers of the Hill Top Motel in Kalispell who were ever so accommodating.

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