Monday, June 2, 2008

Tuesday...Niagara Falls!

Tuesday morning Andrew stayed behind to say goodbye. Titus, their giant man-eating dog was used to me and willing me to stay and play. It looked cloudy and threatening but I took a chance and rode in leathers. FOOL! The temperature dropped to about 10 or 11 degC and by the time I refuelled just 12 miles up the road at Hwy 401 I was frozen. I donned my waterproofs for warmth but I never warmed up until I arrived at Laqua Ranch hours later. My former boss from the early 90's has a ranch about 40 miles from Niagara Falls. I spent extra hours to catch up on news and collect old friends email addresses and phone numbers. I waited to see how the kids had grown. It was the usual shock to meet a 6'2" boy who was 2' when I last saw him. Nice guitars Kevin! I was chucked off one of Andreas' horses back in 94 and broke my right arm clean off at the shoulder. Well, the skin stayed on. That was an event to be missed, trust me, especially since the 19 year old at the lousy Hamilton hospital didn't even know how to line up the X-ray machine. I swore then that the only horse I will ride again has a brake lever on it's right ear. Warmed up in every way I reluctantly turned down their generous offer to stay the night and rode to Niagara Falls in time to catch the evening rainbow. It was spectacular as ever. I do hate the way the tacky, honky-tonk tourist garbage always overtakes these wonders of nature but I suppose people were not as removed from nature so they didn't envision the slaughter that their commercial contrivances would wreak. Optical pollution I call it. The Canadian falls are the one to visit without a question. I had a lot of questions from the friendly border guard and eventually headed toward Cleveland on the USA side and flopped into a motel in NY. Next stop Cleveland and more devilment and tricks from our man Michael...

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