Thursday, June 12, 2008

Fighting Thor

Blog and photos by Garrett Fulton)
A warm inviting sun and blue sky was there to greet us when we pulled back the motel curtains of a stop and flop. The roads were dry, straight and cleanand we soon found ourselves rocketing down the road, hanging on to the handlebarsagainst a hard west wind and our own high speed. My Ninja snorted and snarled, growling atsemi's and cars, as I hammered on past.
All was going well until a dark mass rose up on the horizon like the thunder god himself. James passed me and gave the "its looking ify" sign to me by rocking his flattened palm back and forth. In seeking shelter however there would be nowhere to run to and nowhere to hide in a vast landscape of barenness and grass. Finally, a slender bridge revealed itself to us in the distance and we took refuge under its concrete and steel embrace.
On the horizon, dirt and debris were being lifted into the air to such a height that I concluded we were seeing the beginnings of a tornado. Suddenly, we were hit by a blast of wind that raged and raped the landscape at a continuous fury of 70 miles per hour. It didnt abate or pause but blew at such a tempest that I had to revisit my original theory of being in the audience of an on coming tornado.
A pack of Harley riders and other cars pulled off the road and under the bridge to attempt escape. It lashed and threw rain at us at such a severe wind blown angle and speed that I was able to stay perfectly dry by finding shelter behind a single concrete pillar.
Like a terrible anger that was unleashed upon us, as quickly as it came, it was blown east as if chased away by brilliant sunshine that followed. It was our queue to head for accomodation as the sky threatened in waves.


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